Justin Purtill, Charlie Druitt, Bailey Cabral, Asher Parsons and Koopa Mitchell got involved in the fun the stadium’s holiday program kicked off yesterday.
The Deniliquin Stadium School Holiday Program was back into full swing from yesterday.
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The program will continue to run every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until February 12, except for Monday, January 27 due to the Australia Day Public Holiday.
The program each day includes an entire schedule of sporting activities and physical entertainment at the stadium.
It’s not only designed to keep children entertained, but to promote healthy lifestyles in the community.
Yesterday, about 37 program participants began with basketball and gymnastics sessions.
These sessions included sports drills, competitive games and skill building activities, all of which are designed to keep the kids engaged while having plenty of fun.
Already popular with families, there are a few spots left for the holiday program.
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