There were very few call-outs for police, in what they labelled a “quiet night”.
The majority of people behaved well and enjoyed the festivities, according to police.
Police and firefighters were called to Tom Collins Dve in Shepparton after illegal fireworks started two fires at 12.10am on January 1.
Shepparton police Acting Senior Sergeant Mark Phillips said police located a whole bag of undetonated fireworks nearby.
He said police were disappointed with the behaviour of those who set the fireworks off in what was a high-risk time.
“It could have been a disaster,” he said.
In other jobs for the night, police also arrested a man who they said was aggressive and agitated towards them in Maude St in Shepparton at 1.40am.
The man failed to move on when directed to by police.
Act Sen Sgt Phillips said he would be charged with riotous behaviour.
Almost two hours later — at 3.30am — police were called to a brawl on Wyndham St, near the Fryers St intersection.
One woman was taken to hospital after she fell and hit her head on the ground.
Act Sen Sgt Philips said the night was an otherwise good one in Shepparton.
“We’re pleased with how everything panned out and everyone enjoyed their night,” he said.
Police praised the behaviour of those gathered at the Mooroopna Recreation Reserve on New Year’s Eve.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
Shepparton police Sergeant Andrew Ghidetti said revellers at the New Year’s Eve festivities in Mooroopna were well behaved.
With a crowd he estimated to be about 5000 people, he said there were no incidents police needed to attend to.
“No-one caused any issues, there was no drunken behaviour, and no anti-social behaviour,” Sgt Ghidetti said.
“As the police forward commander at the New Year’s festival, I was really happy with it.
“It was a really good family event and everyone was really well-behaved.”
Sgt said the traffic at the end of the night leaving the festivities was pretty heavy, and police directed traffic to get the cars out.