
Ten teams survive in KDL netball

Ball control: Ava Turner had the better of this rebounding contest for her Stanhope under-15 team, but Avenel was too strong by the final siren and ended the team’s season.
Full stretch: Nicole Doherty’s brilliant goaling display helped Merrigum’s under-17 netball team to a qualifying final win at Rushworth on Saturday. She had the better of Murchison-Toolamba’s Kiara Lackmann in this contest.
My ball: Stanhope C-grade defender Megan Williams combined with co-coach Bianca Atley to dominate their Tallygaroopna opposition. Photo by Rohan Aldous

Ten teams from Merrigum, Stanhope and Girgarre remain alive in the Kyabram district league’s netball final series after the second weekend of competition.

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